Fast archery




Visits since 26.1.2016


Positions - bow, arrow and hand

Let's put it all together now. First we will solve the question of canting the bow, because it is quite easy. If you put your hand to the string from outside, it is better to hold the bow vertically when nocking. Just before shot you may cant the bow a bit, if you like it. If you put you hand to string from inside, it is better to do nocking on the bow held horizontally. Longer full-draw bows have almost always to be turned canted or vertically before the shot. Short bows may be shot either horizontally or vertically or canted, whatever suits your taste.

Regarding your string hand and the arrow you have following possibilities:

1) Arrow from inside, hand from inside. If you need to shoot fast, it is useful to put both arrow and string hand from the same side. You don't have to change your grip thanks to it, you spare some moves, and that makes everytning faster. In such a way of shooting you usually stay a bit sideways to the target, and twist your elbow up when drawing the string. The back of your string hand is put to your cheek.

2) Arrow from inside, hand from outside. This is the way that most europeans recommend, and the one widely used in sport archery. Together with mediterranean hold it is called mediterranean style. The technique has disadvantage in speed, because it usually requires to change your before drawing. Hungarian archer Laios Kassai however found a way to put you arrow and hand to this position quickly and without changing hold.

3) Arrow from outside, hand from outside. If we are used to hand from the outside, it makes sense to put the arrow also from outside. This idea stands behind fast-archery technique of Lars Andersen. But it is necessary to have a bow that enables you to do so, which usually means now center shot and no arrow rest. Resp. if you have a bow with arrow rest, you have to put the arrow from the side where the arrow rest is. If the rest is on the inside, it is usually not possible to shoot from the outside. In the same time you cannot aim by looking along the arrow.

4) Arrow from outside, hand from inside. This is just hypothetic possibility. It is very awkward to do, I don't know of any way to do it usefuly, and I don't know anyone who shoots in this way.

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